Reiki Training and Healing Schools

Providers of alternative and complementary therapies sometimes provide Reiki healing as a part of their services. However, it requires extensive practice to be a Reiki master. Reiki training includes achieving through the first two degrees and becoming a master/teacher. Learning to focus the energy of the mind and body into the hands is the first step in Reiki training.

Reiki healing was first established in 1922, as Japanese Buddhist monk Mikao Usui surfaced from his retreat at Mount Kurama. He attended Isyu Guo (a 21-day Buddhist training course) and spent much time in meditation, prayer, and fasting. Through a mystical revelation, the principles and theories behind Reiki healing came to him. Later that year, Usui moved to Tokyo to begin a society that targeted healing through the body’s energy. He performed the healing art on thousands of people, in addition to providing Reiki training for selected individuals.

Reiki training teaches alternative therapists to heal using the power of energy derived from the body. Reiki is based on the theory that an unseen life force energy flows through the body and ultimately cause it to be healthy or unhealthy. If one’s life force energy is low, the body may be sick and susceptible to stress and other ailments. High life force energy causes the body to be healthy and opens it up to happiness. Reiki training focuses on the entire body, mind, and spirit, including the emotions.

Reiki masters and others who practice it learn in Reiki training that there are five major concepts by which to practice the therapy and to live life. The concepts include:

  • Do not be angry.
  • Do not worry.
  • Be grateful.
  • Work with diligence.
  • Be kind to people.

Reiki masters contend that when one lives life by these precepts, happiness and health may be theirs. These five precepts help to build positive energy in the body. Additionally, living by these five principles allows a Reiki master to perform the healing art to the best of his ability.

There are many health benefits that may be realized as a result of Reiki healing therapy. Reiki training schools often instruct students how to maximize their efforts to create results that maximize the benefits optimally. Health benefits reported to be a result of Reiki healing are:

  • Increased sleep and better resting patterns and habits
  • Enhancement of deep relaxation and stress reduction
  • Accelerated healing
  • Postponement of aging process
  • Lowered blood pressure
  • Treatment of asthma, headaches, injuries, and eczema
  • Recovery from drug therapy as a result of surgery or chemotherapy (for example)
  • Cleansing from toxins
  • Assistance to break addictions
  • Relief from pain
  • Support for the immune system

Reiki training schools teach one of two branches of Reiki healing. The two branches are the traditional Japanese Reiki, which depends on the intuitive sense for hand positions and posturing, and Western Reiki, which utilizes systemized gestures. Each branch has three levels, or degrees, of expertise, including the third degree, which is the Master or Teacher degree. Reiki healing is taught in class to students through attunements given by Reiki masters. Reiki healing is not dependent on intellectual capacity or spiritual development for effectiveness. The skill is open for everyone of all ages and backgrounds. In addition to performing Reiki healing on people, masters may also treat animals, too, which may be part of Reiki training.

Reiki training and healing have become increasingly popular over the past several years because society has become much more conscious about leading healthy lifestyles and has begun to turn to alternative therapies for natural forms of healing and remedies.